This page if for parents who like to know the details!
If you don't like information overload, THIS PAGE IS NOT FOR YOU!!
What happens at class?
Class is 55 minutes. Each week we focus on a specific coachability element, character, and parkour skill as well as review skills and different games and/or challenges (personally and/or team).
How does a membership work?
Membership allows access to our classes and open gyms at any location. Distant locations do not have as many local class options in exchange for the convenience of a closer location. For distant locations we spend money on travel and our coaches spend a LOT of time in the car. This requires a coach to keep his schedule wide open which prohibits him from getting another job in order to make the classes available at a variety of locations. We are committed to taking care of all those who work for us so we can continue to increase the quality of what we offer. We normally offer weekly classes at each location; however, this is sometimes effected by weather, holidays, and other circumstances. Our memberships are per month to to have access to what we offer, they are not per week of class.
What are your prices?
The Basic membership is $109 a month and the unlimited membership is $150 a month.
Do you offer sibling discounts?
After the first sibling we offer a 20% discount. Please email [email protected] after you have registered the first sibling to get the discount code.
Why is that your price?
We are committed to creating quality and sustainable movement opportunities and instruction for the youth of East Texas. This includes keeping class sizes limited and regular professional development for our coaches. Most courses and training require members of our coaching team to travel to Austin or Boston or for us to bring an internationally experienced coach in (which can cost $1000-$2000).
We are also raising funds to build parkour gyms. Our goal is to have a new bigger one in Kilgore by the end of 2025. We also are working to gradually add smaller (and quality) ones spread out through East Texas to make parkour classes and community accessible to all youth in the greater East Texas area!
This is not babysitting, or just another extra curricular activity. This is an investment in your child's life (time and financially) to help give them tools to be prepared to overcome the challenges they will face in life.
Our prices reflect our commitment to continual improvement and the parkour mindset.
Do you want more details?
Curious and want to learn more? Still have questions?
Download our 16 page info booklet here!

Parkour Is about overcoming obstacles.
Starting at whatever your current physical fitness level is, parkour provides an opportunity to develop strength, coordination, balance, and skill to overcome obstacles.
Learn More
These classes are for students who are in Kindergarden - 2nd grade. These classes are a little less structured than Level 1 classes and allow for more modification of activity and pace of class based on the needs of the students. It's a great introduction into parkour. We focus on helping students learn about body control, embracing the growth mindset, and building a foundation for future parkour movement!
These classes are 45 minutes instead of 55 minutes and we cap them at a ratio of 1 coach to 5 students.
Level 1
New students (ages 7-18) start with Level 1. Level 1 covers introductory movement principles that support safer movement practicies as a student progresses through the levels. This includes: running, precision jumps, balance, underbars, rolls, vaults, swinging, and traversing. We focus on the Parkour Mindset which includes self-discipling, determination, self-control, humility, acceptance of the growth process, coachability, and team spirit. We include Parkour Elements of proprioception, spatial awareness, focus, silent movement, vision, persistant testing, knowledge of one's limits, surface knowledge, creative vision and control of fear.
These classes are 55 minutes and we cap them at a ratio of 1 coach to 10 students.
Level 2
In Level 2 students get more practice on the fundamentals. They also learn different ways to work on and use the fundamentals. We work on developing creative vision (parkour vision) and the ability to create movement where most people see nothing. We also work on developing the Parkour Mindset and accepting the growth process. In Level 2 a lot of students will find they need more practice to become stable in balance and precision landings. This is a great opportunity to accept the growth process and be willing to put in the work so you can earn a spot in Level 3. Some students also find the 1 mile run a challenge and will find it beneficial to start practicing running outside of class!
Every student comes in with a different athletic level, so every students journey will be a little different. Our coaches look for ways to modify moves to make sure each student is being challenges, but also being able to progress at a level appropriate for them!
Level 3
Level 3 is about taking the basic skills and pushing farther. We add a few new skills, but mostly we take the same skills and make them harder. Level 3 students are given more freedom to pick options they feel are safe for them. The coach begins stepping into a guide role verses mainly teaching new skills. Team challenges become more difficult and require more patience and determination. Parents of students in Level 3 must be ok accepting that Level 3 students will encounter more risk than Level 1 and 2 students in general. Parents who are not comfortable with their students pushing themselves and encountering risk with more potential for injury are not encouraged to continue to Level 3.
Example of difference of skills:
Level 1 land on a rail of any height comfortable and stick it for 3 seconds.
Level 3 jump from rail to rail 3 feet in the air and hold the landing 3 seconds.
Level 1 roll on a mat or grass.
Level 3 roll on concrete and add a dive roll through an obstacle.
Level 1 Basic Vaults
Level 3 add Kong Vault and Dive Kong (also known as Monkey Vault or Cat Pass)
Rise-N-Lead Internship
Students in Level 3 and beyond are invited to join our Rise-N-Lead Internship program! This is a year program that kicks off the 4th Saturday in January with a cookout and informational meeting. We meet monthly on the 4th Friday of every month at 5-7pm except June-July. Starting in the summer interns can assist in 1-4 classes each week according to a schedule put together considering location and time preferences of all the interns. We try to limit it to 1 intern per class so the intern can have more leadership and learning opportunities.
There will be a few classes of training and practice which focus on basic principles of coaching and building confidence.
Then students can pick which locations and classes fit their schedule to assist with. Based on age and ability of each intern they will be given a portion of the class to prepare and coach. They will then recieve feedback on what they did good and what they could improve on. The Internship is based on a growth model with a focus on building strong leaders for our parkour community.
Students who are Level 4 and are 14 years old may apply to be an assistant coach and work on staff for Parkour East Texas (and get paid!). They can work in the summer and throughout the year!
Level 4
In Level 4 we are transitioning students to be life long learners specifically in their parkour journey. The goal with Level 4 is push ourselves further by taking the basic skills and making them harder. The coach also steps back even more than in Level 3 and starts pushing students to create and guide their own learning even more.
At the end of Level 4 a student should have the tools they need to go out and train by themself (or with friends) and feel confident they can make safe choices and have the tools they need to keep pushing on their own.
Level 4 students are also encouraged to think about taking their learning further with ADAPT Coaching courses.

Assistant Coach with Parkour East Texas
Level 5 students who are 14 years or older can apply to be hired as an assistant coach and be on staff with Parkour East Texas (and get paid)! This is a great first job for youth. We are flexible and supportive of our young assistant coaches. We consider experience in the Rise-N-Lead internship program when reviewing job applications for an assistant coach.
Starting October 1, 2025 all coaches and assistant coaches who are 15 or older will be required to have their ADAPT Level 1 certification. This is sometimes offered in Texas in about May or June.
We do not leave assistant coaches alone at a park. They will always have a coach present to help with any questions or emergencies that may occur.
Assistant coaches are encouraged to attend professional development activities such as Level 5 classes and with their parents activities such as Texas Winter Jam and American Rendezvous (in Boston)!
Coach with Parkour East Texas
A coach with Parkour East Texas must be 18 years or older! If you are a Level 5 or beyond student you can apply to be a coach once you are 18. If you are not a Level 5 students we have a training program that must be completed before becoming a coach. Coaches are encouraged to work towards completing their ADAPT Level 1 within 2 years of becoming a coach (the amount of time is given becuase they do not offer the course very often in this part of North America!)
NOTE: Starting October 1, 2025 all coaches and assistant coaches who are 15 or older will be required to have their ADAPT Level 1 certification. This is sometimes offered in Texas in about May or June.
Coaches are also encouraged to attend professional development activities such as Level 4 and beyond classes, team trainings, Texas Winter Jam, American Rendezvous (in Boston) and visiting other parkour communities on their own!
Senior Coach with Parkour East Texas
A Senior Coach must be ADAPT Level 2 certified! Senior Coaches can coach Level 5 classes and beyond and the Internship. They also are given more leadership roles with Parkour East Texas (such as mentor assitant or new coaches, complete coaching observation hours for current coaches, open a new location hub, run a parkour gym - our goal is to open one in Nacogdoches and Carthage in addition to The Rising - Parkour Gym)!
ADAPT Level 1 Coach
Level 4 students 15 years or older are encouraged to begin looking at the ADAPT Qualifications. Level 1 is a 3 day course (annually ran in Boston, ran in Texas about every other year).
This course is coached by extremely knowledgeable Tutors who have years and years of parkour coaching and training experience. This course opens a whole new view of parkour and deepens an individuals understanding of parkour. This is the course that inspired Hannah Waddle 9 years ago to see parkour in a whole new light and dive all in. Even if you do not want to coach, this is an incredible course for Level 4 students to develop leadership skills and further their parkour training.
THIS COURSE IS INCREDIBLE AND WILL CHANGE HOW AN INDIVIDUAL VIEWS PARKOUR AND COACHING!! It is incredible and a priceless experience to work with tutors who are so skilled and knowledgeable. Parkour is about being better to help others, this course is an incredible way to further your own training and skills in order to be a stronger leader for the parkour community in East Texas!
ADAPT Level 2
ADAPT Level 1 is the springboard for taking parkour deeper and becoming a strong Parkour Community Leader.
ADAPT Level 2 is where you amplify your skills, build confidence in new ways you never thought possible, and begin stepping into new ways of pushing yourself and your coaching skills.
This is a 5 day course offered annually in Boston. If the Level 1 Tutors are amazing, the Level 2 ones are incredibly amazing! (I've taken the class 2 times because the first time I really had NO IDEA what I was doing). Both times I had incredible coaches! The first was one from London and one from Italy. The second time was one from America and another one from London. The Tutors are extremely knowledgeable.
This course has an added level of physical challenge that is not present in Level 1. The tutors are very helpful in modifying and explaining anything that a participant feels they are not ready for.
After the 5 day course an individual has 2 years to complete their Level 2 assessments which is 2 days of assessments. I won't sugar coat this... the assessments are GRUELING. The first day is 8 hours of physical parkour movements and when I did it in 2022 we culminated the long day with a 5k run (timed) and a 400 meter QM which you had 20 minutes to complete (I finished with 10 seconds to spare). The second day is a written assessment and a coaching assessment where you are given something to coach and then graded on.
There are MANY who take the assessment and fail the first time. My suggestion is to take it once, do your best, but expect you will uncover more areas you can work on. Then if you don't pass you know exactly what to improve on. If you do then BOOM You are one of the FEW ADAPT Level 2 coaches in America and you still know areas you can work on and improve!!

I was thinking Parkour was just a fun thing to do and he had watched videos online with his older brothers so thought he should try it. Parkour is so much more than 'fun'. It teaches you real life skills like trying the hard things, critical thinking, overcoming obstacles, and working together and helping others. I’ve been very impressed..."
-Parent of a Level 2 student
Learn Parkour
Our classes focus on developing a strong foundation to promote safer movement and the ability to progress faster in the proper time.
Develop Character
The Parkour Mindset includes the character qualities of self-discipline, determination, grit, and a focus on becoming a better person every day. We love focusing on the character aspect of parkour and helping kids find ways to take the Parkour Mindset into their daily lives as they pursue being a better person.
Have Fun
We loving having fun, laughing and enjoying movement. Our in person classes frequently have games, personal challenges, and team challenges and our online classes have an interactive FB Group which helps promote connection with our virtual community.

"Our 7 year-old has gotten stronger and more confident in a short time since starting Hannah's classes. He also has learned how to safely practice parkour. He would go to class every day if he could!"
-Parent of a Level 1 student

"We HIGHLY RECOMMEND Parkour East Texas FOR GAMERS! My son, 11 yrs old, is finally thriving and excited about an outdoor sport! I cannot tell you how much that means to me!"
-Parent of a Level 1 student

"We have been working with Coach Waddle for 3 years now, and I'd give Parkour East Texas 10 stars if I could! Coach Waddle is amazing with kids, and I so appreciate to safety and instilling safety mindsets into the kids. This is an amazingly fun, healthy, outdoor activity for any age and it gives kids something to focus on besides screens!"
-Parent of a Level 2 student

"Coach Hannah is truly an inspiration! She's a goal-driven Christian woman who is highly motivated and ready to teach our East Texas kids a new way to think! If your kid is stuck behind a screen and not showing interest in being physically active let Parkour East Texas help!"
-Parent of a Level 1 student

"My son now has a new perspective and better focus! His skills are improving and he is excited about the possibility of advancement. This mom is so excited (and even relieved) to finally have an outlet for him to release all that stored up energy and he is absolutely, positively pumped about it too!"
-Parent of a Level 1 student

"My boy has benefitted from this, not only by being physical but by saying goodbye to a fixed mindset and realizing he can meet his potential by changing his perspective! This is his therapy! Parkour is the perfect activity for my gamer to apply his virtual "hard work" in the real world! It becomes a reality and brings balance to his life (in more ways than one 😉)! We are so grateful to have found Coach Hannah and Parkour ETex!"
-Parent of a Level 1 student