Press On Ministries

Partnership with Parkour East Texas

What it is:

Parkour East Texas is partnering with Press On Ministries to provide parkour classes for students who cannot afford the monthly tuition.


We believe the parkour mindset and community can have life changing effects on a child. Learning how to approach challenges with a positive mindset and how to appreciate the growth process is a lesson that will serve a child well in the future. Parkour is about becoming a better person and it provides a safe place for children to develop life skills. The Parkour community is another powerful benefit of parkour classes. Coming together week after week and holding each other accountable to push towards being the best version of yourself you can be is a valuable resource in the life of a child. We understand some families cannot afford the monthly tuition, so Parkour East Texas is partnering with Press On Ministries to make parkour classes accessible to more students.

Who is this for:

Individuals must fill out the application form. We review the applications and select which individuals will be awarded a scholarship for the semester. We will award as many scholarships as we have funds for AND as we have quality applicants for.

What We Look For:

  • Thoroughness of application
  • Passion about the benefits of parkour
  • Passion to become a better person and push oneself physically and mentally
  • Presence of Financial Need


Ways to contribute and help more students be able to participate in the scholarship program:

Prayer Team #1

Join the team of people praying for wisdom, direction, and God's provision as we take steps forward in creating a sustainable model for reaching more students with parkour and the benefits it has to offer. We send out a monthly newsletter with updates and specifics.

Join Prayer Team

Participate in Parkour East Texas Classes

By paying for Parkour East Texas classes you help support our mission of helping youth develop character through movement.

Parkour East Texas charges $1000 per month per kid in regular classes and $35-30 per month per kid in our after school sponsor a class program. Your monthly registration for parkour classes helps Parkour East Texas continue to stay open and be able to reach more children who cannot afford class.

Learn More about Parkour East Texas

Spread the Word

Help more people find out about Parkour East Texas and the Press On Ministries scholarship program by posting on social media and telling your friends about us!

Join us on Social Media


Donate any amount you want to the scholarship fund. We will be accepting only as many students as we have funds for. Any amount adds up and allows more kids to participate in our scholarship program.


Adopt a Child

Commit to covering the full monthly tuition of one child of $80 a month for 3 months. Parkour East Texas reduces the price from $100 for scholarship students. You will be paired with a child and will receive an update letter from them about what they have learned and how they have grown through Parkour.

Adpot a Child

Sponsor a Class

Enable Parkour East Texas to bring parkour class right to a school to eliminate the need for transportation to a class. These classes can have up to 10 select students on the school playground (no transportation needed). Because your donation covers the tuition all these kids can participate for free!

Click Here to Apply for Scholarship

Join the Prayer Team

Sign up to receive our monthly prayer updates.

We won't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

Why not just do it all free?

Why pair with a business that charges?


Pairing with a business that charges allows us to create a sustainable model. Charging allows us to pay for training programs for our coaching staff and cover costs of software, insurance, and other recurring fees associated with running a business. Paying our coaches and staff also allows them to allocate more time, energy, and quality to the work they do on a longer term basis.

We understand some cannot afford the cost of classes, which is why we are partnering with Press On Ministries to provide scholarships. Our goal is sustainability and quality over quantity right now!

"My child loves Ignition Station. She looks forward to it every day and talks about it nonstop. I love that she is being physically active. There is alot more to life than staying indoors and playing video games and I appreciate Ms Beets [Waddle] and her family for wanting to better the lives of our children."

Parent from former Press On Ministries program - 2018

"My 8 year-old has been attending Parkour classes here for a couple years now. She used to be so scared of physical challenges (she would not even climb a jungle gym). She has grown so much by attending these classes."

Parent from former Press On Ministries program - 2022

Join Parkour East Texas!

One of the practical ways you can help make the Ignition Station possible is by joining Parkour East Texas classes and telling your friends about them!

Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right path for your child:


  • All students start here
  • Learn basic foundations of parkour
  • Develop Parkour Mindset
  • Work towards earning a spot in Level 2


  • Take basics of Parkour and develop more consistency, confidence, and efficiency
  • Participate in Internship program
  • Work towards earning a spot in Level 3


  • Eligible for Rise-n-Lead Internship Program
  • Take more personal responsibility for Parkour journey
  • Opportunity to be an assistant coach for students age 14 and older
  • Work towards completing ADAPT Level 1 Assistant Coaching Certification